Getting Started

scanning-squid is an instrument control and data acquisition package for scanning SQUID (Superconducting QUantum Interference Device) microscopy. It is based on the QCoDeS framework, and is designed to run in either a standalone Jupyter Notebook, or in Jupyter Lab.

Contact: Logan Bishop-Van Horn (logan.bvh [at] gmail [dot] com).


We recommend that you set up a conda env in which to run scanning-squid by following the steps below. This will install all of the packages on which scanning-squid depends.


  • Download and install Anaconda (the latest Python 3 version).

  • Download environment.yml from the scanning-squid repository

  • Launch an Anaconda Prompt (start typing anaconda in the start menu and click on Anaconda Prompt)

  • In the Anaconda Prompt, navigate to the directory containing environment.yml (cd <path-to-directory-containing-environment-file>)

  • Run the following two commands in the Anaconda Prompt:

    • conda env create -f environment.yml

    • activate scanning-squid


  • Download and install Anaconda (the latest Python 3 version).

  • Download environment.yml from the scanning-squid repository

  • Launch a Terminal.

  • In the Terminal, navigate to the directory containing environment.yml (cd <path-to-directory-containing-environment-file>)

  • Run the following two commands in the Terminal:

    • conda env create -f environment.yml

    • source activate scanning-squid

After cloning the scanning-squid repository, to run scanning-squid from a Windows (Mac) machine, open the Anaconda Prompt (Terminal) and run activate scanning-squid (source activate scanning-squid), and launch a jupyter notebook or jupyter lab. Alternatively, on a Windows machine, you can launch a Jupyter Notebook from the start menu (just make sure the Jupyter Notebook icon says “(scanning-squid)” next to it).