Source code for qcodes.instrument_drivers.stanford_research.SR830

from functools import partial
import numpy as np

from qcodes import VisaInstrument
from qcodes.instrument.parameter import ArrayParameter
from qcodes.utils.validators import Numbers, Ints, Enum, Strings

class ChannelBuffer(ArrayParameter):
    Parameter class for the two channel buffers

    Currently always returns the entire buffer
    TODO (WilliamHPNielsen): Make it possible to query parts of the buffer.
    The instrument natively supports this in its TRCL call.

    def __init__(self, name: str, instrument: 'SR830', channel: int) -> None:
            name (str): The name of the parameter
            instrument (SR830): The parent instrument
            channel (int): The relevant channel (1 or 2). The name should
                should match this.
        self._valid_channels = (1, 2)

        if channel not in self._valid_channels:
            raise ValueError('Invalid channel specifier. SR830 only has '
                             'channels 1 and 2.')

        if not isinstance(instrument, SR830):
            raise ValueError('Invalid parent instrument. ChannelBuffer '
                             'can only live on an SR830.')

                         shape=(1,),  # dummy initial shape
                         unit='V',  # dummy initial unit
                         docstring='Holds an acquired (part of the) '
                                   'data buffer of one channel.') = channel
        self._instrument = instrument

    def prepare_buffer_readout(self):
        Function to generate the setpoints for the channel buffer and
        get the right units

        N = self._instrument.buffer_npts()  # problem if this is zero?
        # TODO (WilliamHPNielsen): what if SR was changed during acquisition?
        SR = self._instrument.buffer_SR()
        if SR == 'Trigger':
            self.setpoint_units = ('',)
            self.setpoint_names = ('trig_events',)
            self.setpoint_labels = ('Trigger event number',)
            self.setpoints = (tuple(np.arange(0, N)),)
            dt = 1/SR
            self.setpoint_units = ('s',)
            self.setpoint_names = ('Time',)
            self.setpoint_labels = ('Time',)
            self.setpoints = (tuple(np.linspace(0, N*dt, N)),)

        self.shape = (N,)

        params = self._instrument.parameters
        # YES, it should be: "is not 'none'" NOT "is not None"
        if params['ch{}_ratio'.format(].get() is not 'none':
            self.unit = '%'
            disp = params['ch{}_display'.format(].get()
            if disp == 'Phase':
                self.unit = 'deg'
                self.unit = 'V'

        if == 1:
            self._instrument._buffer1_ready = True
            self._instrument._buffer2_ready = True

    def get(self):
        Get command. Returns numpy array
        if == 1:
            ready = self._instrument._buffer1_ready
            ready = self._instrument._buffer2_ready

        if not ready:
            raise RuntimeError('Buffer not ready. Please run '
        N = self._instrument.buffer_npts()
        if N == 0:
            raise ValueError('No points stored in SR830 data buffer.'
                             ' Can not poll anything.')

        # poll raw binary data
        self._instrument.write('TRCL ? {}, 0, {}'.format(, N))
        rawdata = self._instrument.visa_handle.read_raw()

        # parse it
        realdata = np.fromstring(rawdata, dtype='<i2')
        numbers = realdata[::2]*2.0**(realdata[1::2]-124)
        if self.shape[0] != N:
            raise RuntimeError("SR830 got {} points in buffer expected {}".format(N, self.shape[0]))
        return numbers

[docs]class SR830(VisaInstrument): """ This is the qcodes driver for the Stanford Research Systems SR830 Lock-in Amplifier """ _VOLT_TO_N = {2e-9: 0, 5e-9: 1, 10e-9: 2, 20e-9: 3, 50e-9: 4, 100e-9: 5, 200e-9: 6, 500e-9: 7, 1e-6: 8, 2e-6: 9, 5e-6: 10, 10e-6: 11, 20e-6: 12, 50e-6: 13, 100e-6: 14, 200e-6: 15, 500e-6: 16, 1e-3: 17, 2e-3: 18, 5e-3: 19, 10e-3: 20, 20e-3: 21, 50e-3: 22, 100e-3: 23, 200e-3: 24, 500e-3: 25, 1: 26} _N_TO_VOLT = {v: k for k, v in _VOLT_TO_N.items()} _CURR_TO_N = {2e-15: 0, 5e-15: 1, 10e-15: 2, 20e-15: 3, 50e-15: 4, 100e-15: 5, 200e-15: 6, 500e-15: 7, 1e-12: 8, 2e-12: 9, 5e-12: 10, 10e-12: 11, 20e-12: 12, 50e-12: 13, 100e-12: 14, 200e-12: 15, 500e-12: 16, 1e-9: 17, 2e-9: 18, 5e-9: 19, 10e-9: 20, 20e-9: 21, 50e-9: 22, 100e-9: 23, 200e-9: 24, 500e-9: 25, 1e-6: 26} _N_TO_CURR = {v: k for k, v in _CURR_TO_N.items()} _VOLT_ENUM = Enum(*_VOLT_TO_N.keys()) _CURR_ENUM = Enum(*_CURR_TO_N.keys()) _INPUT_CONFIG_TO_N = { 'a': 0, 'a-b': 1, 'I 1M': 2, 'I 100M': 3, } _N_TO_INPUT_CONFIG = {v: k for k, v in _INPUT_CONFIG_TO_N.items()} def __init__(self, name, address, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, address, **kwargs) # Reference and phase self.add_parameter('phase', label='Phase', get_cmd='PHAS?', get_parser=float, set_cmd='PHAS {:.2f}', unit='deg', vals=Numbers(min_value=-360, max_value=729.99)) self.add_parameter('reference_source', label='Reference source', get_cmd='FMOD?', set_cmd='FMOD {}', val_mapping={ 'external': 0, 'internal': 1, }, vals=Enum('external', 'internal')) self.add_parameter('frequency', label='Frequency', get_cmd='FREQ?', get_parser=float, set_cmd='FREQ {:.4f}', unit='Hz', vals=Numbers(min_value=1e-3, max_value=102e3)) self.add_parameter('ext_trigger', label='External trigger', get_cmd='RSLP?', set_cmd='RSLP {}', val_mapping={ 'sine': 0, 'TTL rising': 1, 'TTL falling': 2, }) self.add_parameter('harmonic', label='Harmonic', get_cmd='HARM?', get_parser=int, set_cmd='HARM {:d}', vals=Ints(min_value=1, max_value=19999)) self.add_parameter('amplitude', label='Amplitude', get_cmd='SLVL?', get_parser=float, set_cmd='SLVL {:.3f}', unit='V', vals=Numbers(min_value=0.004, max_value=5.000)) # Input and filter self.add_parameter('input_config', label='Input configuration', get_cmd='ISRC?', get_parser=self._get_input_config, set_cmd='ISRC {}', set_parser=self._set_input_config, vals=Enum(*self._INPUT_CONFIG_TO_N.keys())) self.add_parameter('input_shield', label='Input shield', get_cmd='IGND?', set_cmd='IGND {}', val_mapping={ 'float': 0, 'ground': 1, }) self.add_parameter('input_coupling', label='Input coupling', get_cmd='ICPL?', set_cmd='ICPL {}', val_mapping={ 'AC': 0, 'DC': 1, }) self.add_parameter('notch_filter', label='Notch filter', get_cmd='ILIN?', set_cmd='ILIN {}', val_mapping={ 'off': 0, 'line in': 1, '2x line in': 2, 'both': 3, }) # Gain and time constant self.add_parameter(name='sensitivity', label='Sensitivity', get_cmd='SENS?', set_cmd='SENS {:d}', get_parser=self._get_sensitivity, set_parser=self._set_sensitivity ) self.add_parameter('reserve', label='Reserve', get_cmd='RMOD?', set_cmd='RMOD {}', val_mapping={ 'high': 0, 'normal': 1, 'low noise': 2, }) self.add_parameter('time_constant', label='Time constant', get_cmd='OFLT?', set_cmd='OFLT {}', unit='s', val_mapping={ 10e-6: 0, 30e-6: 1, 100e-6: 2, 300e-6: 3, 1e-3: 4, 3e-3: 5, 10e-3: 6, 30e-3: 7, 100e-3: 8, 300e-3: 9, 1: 10, 3: 11, 10: 12, 30: 13, 100: 14, 300: 15, 1e3: 16, 3e3: 17, 10e3: 18, 30e3: 19, }) self.add_parameter('filter_slope', label='Filter slope', get_cmd='OFSL?', set_cmd='OFSL {}', unit='dB/oct', val_mapping={ 6: 0, 12: 1, 18: 2, 24: 3, }) self.add_parameter('sync_filter', label='Sync filter', get_cmd='SYNC?', set_cmd='SYNC {}', val_mapping={ 'off': 0, 'on': 1, }) def parse_offset_get(s): parts = s.split(',') return float(parts[0]), int(parts[1]) # TODO: Parameters that can be set with multiple arguments # For the OEXP command for example two arguments are needed self.add_parameter('X_offset', get_cmd='OEXP? 1', get_parser=parse_offset_get) self.add_parameter('Y_offset', get_cmd='OEXP? 2', get_parser=parse_offset_get) self.add_parameter('R_offset', get_cmd='OEXP? 3', get_parser=parse_offset_get) # Aux input/output for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]: self.add_parameter('aux_in{}'.format(i), label='Aux input {}'.format(i), get_cmd='OAUX? {}'.format(i), get_parser=float, unit='V') self.add_parameter('aux_out{}'.format(i), label='Aux output {}'.format(i), get_cmd='AUXV? {}'.format(i), get_parser=float, set_cmd='AUXV {0}, {{}}'.format(i), unit='V') # Setup self.add_parameter('output_interface', label='Output interface', get_cmd='OUTX?', set_cmd='OUTX {}', val_mapping={ 'RS232': '0\n', 'GPIB': '1\n', }) # Channel setup for ch in range(1, 3): # detailed validation and mapping performed in set/get functions self.add_parameter('ch{}_ratio'.format(ch), label='Channel {} ratio'.format(ch), get_cmd=partial(self._get_ch_ratio, ch), set_cmd=partial(self._set_ch_ratio, ch), vals=Strings()) self.add_parameter('ch{}_display'.format(ch), label='Channel {} display'.format(ch), get_cmd=partial(self._get_ch_display, ch), set_cmd=partial(self._set_ch_display, ch), vals=Strings()) self.add_parameter('ch{}_databuffer'.format(ch), channel=ch, parameter_class=ChannelBuffer) # Data transfer self.add_parameter('X', get_cmd='OUTP? 1', get_parser=float, unit='V') self.add_parameter('Y', get_cmd='OUTP? 2', get_parser=float, unit='V') self.add_parameter('R', get_cmd='OUTP? 3', get_parser=float, unit='V') self.add_parameter('P', get_cmd='OUTP? 4', get_parser=float, unit='deg') # Data buffer settings self.add_parameter('buffer_SR', label='Buffer sample rate', get_cmd='SRAT ?', set_cmd=self._set_buffer_SR, unit='Hz', val_mapping={62.5e-3: 0, 0.125: 1, 0.250: 2, 0.5: 3, 1: 4, 2: 5, 4: 6, 8: 7, 16: 8, 32: 9, 64: 10, 128: 11, 256: 12, 512: 13, 'Trigger': 14}, get_parser=int ) self.add_parameter('buffer_acq_mode', label='Buffer acquistion mode', get_cmd='SEND ?', set_cmd='SEND {}', val_mapping={'single shot': 0, 'loop': 1}, get_parser=int) self.add_parameter('buffer_trig_mode', label='Buffer trigger start mode', get_cmd='TSTR ?', set_cmd='TSTR {}', val_mapping={'ON': 1, 'OFF': 0}, get_parser=int) self.add_parameter('buffer_npts', label='Buffer number of stored points', get_cmd='SPTS ?', get_parser=int) # Auto functions self.add_function('auto_gain', call_cmd='AGAN') self.add_function('auto_reserve', call_cmd='ARSV') self.add_function('auto_phase', call_cmd='APHS') self.add_function('auto_offset', call_cmd='AOFF {0}', args=[Enum(1, 2, 3)]) # Interface self.add_function('reset', call_cmd='*RST') self.add_function('disable_front_panel', call_cmd='OVRM 0') self.add_function('enable_front_panel', call_cmd='OVRM 1') self.add_function('send_trigger', call_cmd='TRIG', docstring=("Send a software trigger. " "This command has the same effect as a " "trigger at the rear panel trigger" " input.")) self.add_function('buffer_start', call_cmd='STRT', docstring=("The buffer_start command starts or " "resumes data storage. buffer_start" " is ignored if storage is already in" " progress.")) self.add_function('buffer_pause', call_cmd='PAUS', docstring=("The buffer_pause command pauses data " "storage. If storage is already paused " "or reset then this command is ignored.")) self.add_function('buffer_reset', call_cmd='REST', docstring=("The buffer_reset command resets the data" " buffers. The buffer_reset command can " "be sent at any time - any storage in " "progress, paused or not, will be reset." " This command will erase the data " "buffer.")) # Initialize the proper units of the outputs and sensitivities self.input_config() # start keeping track of buffer setpoints self._buffer1_ready = False self._buffer2_ready = False self.connect_message() def _set_buffer_SR(self, SR): self.write('SRAT {}'.format(SR)) self._buffer1_ready = False self._buffer2_ready = False def _get_ch_ratio(self, channel): val_mapping = {1: {0: 'none', 1: 'Aux In 1', 2: 'Aux In 2'}, 2: {0: 'none', 1: 'Aux In 3', 2: 'Aux In 4'}} resp = int(self.ask('DDEF ? {}'.format(channel)).split(',')[1]) return val_mapping[channel][resp] def _set_ch_ratio(self, channel, ratio): val_mapping = {1: {'none': 0, 'Aux In 1': 1, 'Aux In 2': 2}, 2: {'none': 0, 'Aux In 3': 1, 'Aux In 4': 2}} vals = val_mapping[channel].keys() if ratio not in vals: raise ValueError('{} not in {}'.format(ratio, vals)) ratio = val_mapping[channel][ratio] disp_val = int(self.ask('DDEF ? {}'.format(channel)).split(',')[0]) self.write('DDEF {}, {}, {}'.format(channel, disp_val, ratio)) self._buffer_ready = False def _get_ch_display(self, channel): val_mapping = {1: {0: 'X', 1: 'R', 2: 'X Noise', 3: 'Aux In 1', 4: 'Aux In 2'}, 2: {0: 'Y', 1: 'Phase', 2: 'Y Noise', 3: 'Aux In 3', 4: 'Aux In 4'}} resp = int(self.ask('DDEF ? {}'.format(channel)).split(',')[0]) return val_mapping[channel][resp] def _set_ch_display(self, channel, disp): val_mapping = {1: {'X': 0, 'R': 1, 'X Noise': 2, 'Aux In 1': 3, 'Aux In 2': 4}, 2: {'Y': 0, 'Phase': 1, 'Y Noise': 2, 'Aux In 3': 3, 'Aux In 4': 4}} vals = val_mapping[channel].keys() if disp not in vals: raise ValueError('{} not in {}'.format(disp, vals)) disp = val_mapping[channel][disp] # Since ratio AND display are set simultaneously, # we get and then re-set the current ratio value ratio_val = int(self.ask('DDEF ? {}'.format(channel)).split(',')[1]) self.write('DDEF {}, {}, {}'.format(channel, disp, ratio_val)) self._buffer_ready = False def _set_units(self, unit): # TODO: # make a public parameter function that allows to change the units for param in [self.X, self.Y, self.R, self.sensitivity]: param.unit = unit def _get_input_config(self, s): mode = self._N_TO_INPUT_CONFIG[int(s)] if mode in ['a', 'a-b']: self.sensitivity.vals = self._VOLT_ENUM self._set_units('V') else: self.sensitivity.vals = self._CURR_ENUM self._set_units('A') return mode def _set_input_config(self, s): if s in ['a', 'a-b']: self.sensitivity.vals = self._VOLT_ENUM self._set_units('V') else: self.sensitivity.vals = self._CURR_ENUM self._set_units('A') return self._INPUT_CONFIG_TO_N[s] def _get_sensitivity(self, s): if self.input_config() in ['a', 'a-b']: return self._N_TO_VOLT[int(s)] else: return self._N_TO_CURR[int(s)] def _set_sensitivity(self, s): if self.input_config() in ['a', 'a-b']: return self._VOLT_TO_N[s] else: return self._CURR_TO_N[s]